Sunday, January 20, 2008

Menu: January 20th - January 26th

I so have to get back in the habit of posting my menus... : )

Sunday- L: 5 Minute Southwest Salad, D: Dorito Chicken ala Rachel, via Clara's blog, roasted potatoes, salad
Monday- (T & I both off work-woohoo!) L: Out to lunch, D: Chicken Paremesan, salad
Tuesday - Chicken Nachos (Okay, not so healthy but haven't had them in FOREVER!)
Wednesday - (Kids) Taco Pie (healthy style)/Tacos
Thursday - Crockpot ribs (from Lorena's Blog), corn on the cob, salad
Friday - Date Night
Saturday- L: Chicken & Potato pizza, D: Company Party

I'm being not SO good this week with dinners. I have some things I need to use up so back on the super healthy train next week, though hopefully I can make everything with enough substitutes to not be too terrible for us. : )


CB said...

Hmmm... maybe to save time I should just C/P your menu for mine? haha.

April said...

HA! Go for it! :)

Rachel said...

YAY! Someone is making one of my family recipes. How exciting!